Remember this hoopty in the hopper? Remember the 3 chairs I got for free at an auction in Linden?
Miss Brown Swirly
She needed a little TLC is an understatement...
A new back
A new arm
A new seat bottom
Actually, I'm quite jealous - I need all three of those things!
oh and a paint job ...
it's a mix or a mess of white primer, heirloom white, SW creamy, and ASCP in Old White
and I think ASCP clear and dark wax
untrained upholstery working is not for the faint at heart and certainly not for the perfectionist.
I've learned that I don't really like upholstery work, but Jeff seems to. He rebuilt the chair, and did most of the stapling, and put all the nail head trim on. I cut the fabric, and sewed up the welting cord, and painted the chair .... it's a labor of love and kept this ole gal from going to the landfill.
Oh and I had to show you my knock out roses one more time before the frost arrives. I am not
not sure what will happen when they are frosted, as this is my first summer to have these.
I recommend them to anyone wanting roses because they require very little attention.
These have actually been neglected and still thrived all summer long.
check out these parties - I promise you will be inspired and amazed at what women are doing with the hooptys in their hoppers.
Linking up to Miss Mustard Seed Furniture Feature Friday party