September 27, 2011

She bequeathed me before she moved away

Shelly Shelly Bo Belly Fee Fi Fo Felly.... Shelly...
my neighbor girl, stuck in the white oak hood buddy, dandyshandy spray painting diva left me ...
yep, thats right, she moved to Pennsylvania!  

But, before her final ride through the hood, she bequeathed me her door decor, or as Jeff likes to call it, the "door cream cone"..  he thinks it looks like an ice cream cone...

I have coveted her cone for 2 and half years while it hung on her door...
and she let me have it.. how cool is that!

Here it is hanging on my door after I gave it a fall up-do
I love it, thanks again Shelly!

Shelly,  can you see the blue house in this picture??  .... yeah, I knew you would like being able to come to my blog and see it again from time to time... 

Shelly encouraged me to paint my door 
She laughed at my jokes
She would tell me when when to leave well enough alone
She watched after our house, got our mail, watered the yard, trees, & flowers, when we were out of town....  She encouraged me to dandyshandy my time away
She taught me when all else fails, paint it turquoise

so when I go get the mail or sit on the front porch this fall and see my bequeathed fancy door decor, I will smile and remember my buddy Shelly and how thankful I am for our friendship and the short time we were neighbors.

we miss ya around here already!


 I will be linking up to Rhoda's "Door Decor" It's Fall Y'all Autumn Link Parties


  1. AWE!! I love it! I miss you guys sooooo much! Tell Jeff I like his decription. too funny!

  2. Beautiful! I love it, it's so unique.

  3. That is neat! wonder you coveted it. It really looks good with your blue door.

    I'm your newest follower and would love if you would follow me.
    Have a wonderful day!!

  4. Glenda, it is so pretty! What a kind gesture for Shelly to give you her gorgeous door decor to remember her by! It looks fabulous!

    Lou Cinda :)

  5. Oh Glenda that is sad to see a neighbor friend leave. You have a beautiful keepsake for sure. Thanks for your sweet comments


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