September 26, 2011

I made an apple pie in my skillet

I have a new appreciation for my cast-iron skillet.   
The last two issues of the Southern Living magazine have shown how to make an easy skillet pie.  Cathy and Cameron were coming over for a little FHE, and the activity was to reupholster her frenchy $5.00 chairs.  So I had a motivation for trying the pie in the skillet idea

This is really easy-peezy and pretty in the skillet

 Granny Smith and Braeburn apples
Kroger didn't have Braeburn, so I bought these red apples  ...  I can't remember what they are called, so I think any red apple might do just fine

tossed with cinnamon and sugar

1 stick of butter

mixed with 1 cup of brown sugar

store bought refrigerated piecrust.... brilliant! 

dump the apples on top of the first layer, then top it with the 2nd piecrust
brush the egg white on top

then watch hubs empty the dishwasher.... love this step

hot apple pie!

with a scoop of butter pecan ice cream


If you have a 9 or 10 inch cast-iron skillet this is so easy... 
2 lb Granny Smith
2 lb Braeburn apples
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 stick of butter
1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
1 (14.1 oz) package refrigerated piecrust
1 egg white
3 tbsp. granulated sugar
butter-pecan ice cream

preheat oven to 350
peel the apples, cut into 1/2-inch slices, toss with 1 tsp. of cinnamon and 3/4 cup of sugar in large bowl
melt butter in the skillet, add the brown sugar and stir for a couple of minutes - remove from heat
place 1 piecrust on top of the butter and brown sugar in the skillet, then dump the apples on top of the crust, and then place the 2nd pie crust on top. Whisk the egg white until foamy, and brush it on top
 make 4 or 5 slits in the top so the steam can escape, and to make it look pretty

bake at 350 for an hour to hour and 10 minutes.... or until it is brown and bubbly...  the last 10 minutes cover it with aluminum foil, so it won't over brown.

cool for 30 minutes on a wire rack, and serve with butter-pecan ice cream

You will not be disappointed!

linking up to WOW us Wednesday


p.s. I will post Cathy and her chairs soon.... it got late on us


  1. Goodness gracious, that looks beautiful!

  2. That is one fine looking pie! My Grandmother made the best, I miss it, and can't make a pie to save my life.

  3. thats a great looking pie. thanks for the recipe.
    I just bought a cast iron skillet and now I have something to make in it..

  4. oh goodness, now i want to make an apple pie in my skillet and eat the whole thing!!!

  5. I have several cast iron skillets, and you've made me want to make an apple pie. Looks delicious!

  6. It was probably the most delicious apple pie I ever had!!! Thanks for the mighty fine dinner, pie and lending me your Upholstery 101 instructor!
    Cathy - aka Weezi

  7. Oh THIS is freakin'AMAZING!! So now I have to go out and replace the cast iron skillet I gave to my daughter (lol). THANKS though!! ;)

  8. I have got to make this and can you send your husband over to empty the dishwasher?? Soooo funny. Thanks for sharing at Wow.

  9. Ok when I come back to visit, I want some of that! Shelly

  10. This looks so yummy!!! I would give just about anything for a piece right now! Visiting from Wow Us Wednesday's.

  11. This looks DIVINE!! I just made a Salted Caramel Apple pie, but will definitely try your recipe soon!! Thanks for sharing!!

  12. This was and looks spectacular. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I must give this a try...maybe I should get a pic of Mr.CC unloading the DW...too funny!!


  14. Your pie looks amazing!! Laura Cottage and Broome

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  16. This pie is delicious! When we first made it the inside was a little runny from the juice coming from the apples. 2nd time we added a little cornstarch and it thickened up and came out perfect!

  17. How to keep pie from sticking to the bottom of skillet?

  18. I made this tonight and it did stick to bottom of skillet!however it was delicious maybe should bake on top rack


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