September 30, 2011

The Tale of Two $5.00 Chairs

Featuring Cathy, a.k.a. Weezie, as her grandchildren affectionally call her....
She found two of these chairs for $5.00 each at yard sale a few weeks ago
 take a look at Weezi and one of her almost finished parlor chairs ....
We didn't take a lot of before pictures, but the ole girl has definately had
a make-over .... Cathy figured last night that she has about $17.00 in each chair
it took less than 2 yards of fabric, and about 8 yards of trim
The wood around the chair has such pretty details
she still has to glue on the decorative trim .... 
here is one with the trim
sorry about the position ??
 upholstery is not for the faint at heart and can take a village sometime to complete a job
 Jeff provided an Upholstery 101 class and showed off his pneumatic staple gun

 Cathy can even talk on the phone and do upholstery work
I still think chairs are shaped like a lady.... 
this chair is perfect for a girl, low to the floor, with a wide bottom
These antique chairs may have been the deal of the summer
We have had fun spending time with Cathy & Cameron in the garage and watching this transformation
With her premission, I am taking her chairs to the party over at  MMS Furniture Feature Friday tonight
check out party ... you will be inspired!


September 27, 2011

She bequeathed me before she moved away

Shelly Shelly Bo Belly Fee Fi Fo Felly.... Shelly...
my neighbor girl, stuck in the white oak hood buddy, dandyshandy spray painting diva left me ...
yep, thats right, she moved to Pennsylvania!  

But, before her final ride through the hood, she bequeathed me her door decor, or as Jeff likes to call it, the "door cream cone"..  he thinks it looks like an ice cream cone...

I have coveted her cone for 2 and half years while it hung on her door...
and she let me have it.. how cool is that!

Here it is hanging on my door after I gave it a fall up-do
I love it, thanks again Shelly!

Shelly,  can you see the blue house in this picture??  .... yeah, I knew you would like being able to come to my blog and see it again from time to time... 

Shelly encouraged me to paint my door 
She laughed at my jokes
She would tell me when when to leave well enough alone
She watched after our house, got our mail, watered the yard, trees, & flowers, when we were out of town....  She encouraged me to dandyshandy my time away
She taught me when all else fails, paint it turquoise

so when I go get the mail or sit on the front porch this fall and see my bequeathed fancy door decor, I will smile and remember my buddy Shelly and how thankful I am for our friendship and the short time we were neighbors.

we miss ya around here already!


 I will be linking up to Rhoda's "Door Decor" It's Fall Y'all Autumn Link Parties

September 26, 2011

I made an apple pie in my skillet

I have a new appreciation for my cast-iron skillet.   
The last two issues of the Southern Living magazine have shown how to make an easy skillet pie.  Cathy and Cameron were coming over for a little FHE, and the activity was to reupholster her frenchy $5.00 chairs.  So I had a motivation for trying the pie in the skillet idea

This is really easy-peezy and pretty in the skillet

 Granny Smith and Braeburn apples
Kroger didn't have Braeburn, so I bought these red apples  ...  I can't remember what they are called, so I think any red apple might do just fine

tossed with cinnamon and sugar

1 stick of butter

mixed with 1 cup of brown sugar

store bought refrigerated piecrust.... brilliant! 

dump the apples on top of the first layer, then top it with the 2nd piecrust
brush the egg white on top

then watch hubs empty the dishwasher.... love this step

hot apple pie!

with a scoop of butter pecan ice cream


If you have a 9 or 10 inch cast-iron skillet this is so easy... 
2 lb Granny Smith
2 lb Braeburn apples
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 stick of butter
1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
1 (14.1 oz) package refrigerated piecrust
1 egg white
3 tbsp. granulated sugar
butter-pecan ice cream

preheat oven to 350
peel the apples, cut into 1/2-inch slices, toss with 1 tsp. of cinnamon and 3/4 cup of sugar in large bowl
melt butter in the skillet, add the brown sugar and stir for a couple of minutes - remove from heat
place 1 piecrust on top of the butter and brown sugar in the skillet, then dump the apples on top of the crust, and then place the 2nd pie crust on top. Whisk the egg white until foamy, and brush it on top
 make 4 or 5 slits in the top so the steam can escape, and to make it look pretty

bake at 350 for an hour to hour and 10 minutes.... or until it is brown and bubbly...  the last 10 minutes cover it with aluminum foil, so it won't over brown.

cool for 30 minutes on a wire rack, and serve with butter-pecan ice cream

You will not be disappointed!

linking up to WOW us Wednesday


p.s. I will post Cathy and her chairs soon.... it got late on us

September 17, 2011

We went to an auction

  This guy was one of the Auctioneers...    
did you know these people go to Auctioneer school?

This guy might be in charge...  he reminds me of Little Enis on the movie, Smokey and the Bandit
mullet included....  he is an Auctioneer too.... he takes that coat off when he holds the mic

 the art was really nice.... original paintings by a lady name Osborn.. I think?
 I wanted the cows.... like Miss Mustard Seed... maybe I could have sent it to her like someone else did for all the inspiration she has given us ...
the one I wanted sold for $75.00 ... I didn't get a picture of it, but it was of Brahma cattle
it was black & white, large, and framed and matted and worth it, but I just couldn't bid any higher

Mrs Beeler wanted these chairs....  we left before they got to these

this copper went for about $30.00

this would have been fun to make-over ....  and it had wheels... I love wheels

I've always wanted one of these fireplace frames.... but, again, we left before they got to this
They spent about an hour and half auctioning off collector coins...  
I couldn't believe what people were paying for the coins... hundreds of dollars!

my mom had some of these swagging beads between the bathroom and the den in the bad addition on the back of their house...  the room had the classic 1970 sliding glass doors and red shag that she raked.. oh yeah.. it was awesome!

check it out.... anything goes
Sponge Bob clothing

these guys keep it going and fun to watch

here's my gang

this nice lady thought I was a reporter taking pictures..... I never told her any different ;-) and she was  excited about me taking her picture with the Country Crock Cookie Jar she just won.... 
 the girl next to her had 5 cookie jars...
I asked if they put cookies in them.... they said, no??

this is what the smart people do..... and what sweetheart did while they were selling off the coins

we didn't buy anything at the auction, but had plenty of fun...

we stopped at this place on the way home ....

they had some real nice roosters for $10.00 each

I got this dandyshandy for a song...
Sally, I took this picture for you .... it was his idea, really....  

Jeff found a couple of Coke trays that he has hunted down for years.... and an old map

 a little porch time at the end of the day before the card games began
me and Mr. Beeler got creamed.... 

and then I have to show you the humming birds....  we counted 22 and that is hard to do because they are so small and so fast...  the folks have a bumper crop of humming birds this year.
they drained this feeder today in about 6 hours 

it was fun.  it was wonderful to spend time with Jeff's parents...

now on to Sunday and my SS class of teenage boys.


September 16, 2011

Remember this....

remember this dandyshandy me and sally found a few weeks ago on our big haul ???

here she is after being french kissed with an Annie Sloan Chalk paint job in "duck egg" blue
I love this paint, I really do ...
I love the details underneath....
I used one coat of spray-on primer, one coat of ASCP - "old white" and one coat of "duck egg"....
I was going to apply the dark stain wax to help bring out the details, but I got lazy and just used polyurethane spray to seal it because the chalk paint is well, chalky looking without top coat of something

Jeff likes it a lot and hung it in the kitchen for a day .... he is crazy fast at taking my lights up and down ..
plus, he doesn't like what I have up there now....
I would love it in the guest bedroom, but it is listed here
might help pay for an airline ticket to see the littles...

here she sits by the door, looking all frenchy-fried

 you like?  I make ....
for you amanda ...


Linking up to Rhoda's Thrifty Treasures Party

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