October 18, 2010

where I used to park

We have lived in the suburbs for 25 years or longer.  Recently we moved even further into the "burbs" making the daily commute to work 40-50 minutes on a good traffic day.  We looked in the city as there are so many beautiful established neighborhoods, and the diverse population, and convenience to work and other places we enjoy was appealing.  However, higher taxes, and finding a house we liked and could afford, that had a 2-car garage was difficult. Of course I wanted a garage, but the mister HAD to have a garage for his stuff.  I used to get a little flack for junking up the garage with my stuff, and recently for getting spray paint on his things. We have always had a lot of "useful" junk in the garage, but it has never looked like this.  I think the day he came home and saw that big red square of paint on the floor, that was the overspray on a bed for his grandson, he threw in the towel. Overspray from a paint sprayer that I took the liberty of buying without consulting him first. I had really big plans. But, when I started dragging home furniture that I find for next to no$hing, I had him on board with me and my madness.  The pretty dandychandy is sold and hanging there for one last inspection, otherwise this place is a mess and looks like a small shop.  And he likes it!

I use to cozy my car in this area, but a few to many things in the hopper have the Maxi parked next to the mister in the driveway.  Maybe he is thinking since he has never been able to get his big ole truck in the garage we are even now.  I am sure the first morning my car windows have frost on them, this stuff will be moved somewhere else before the next morning.
this has become a regular - chandys waiting for their beauty appointment, and he is okay with that.  He rewires all them for me.  He even tells me where he saw a chandelier that I might like.  Yesterday he had an opinion about the color for one of them.

 this is dandyshandy paint station or another flat surface to work on

these are just a few items that kept my mister from parking in his garage years ago.  
some of the dandyshandy supplies and my mom's matchbook collection in the back
and this familiar site is for my children that, sadly, live too far way.... "Dads home"

October 14, 2010

Pretty in Pink

Remember this little girl?  She was in the hopper for a short while.

not very many years ago I would have NEVER considered painting this old desk.
I have changed my ways.

First, I sanded the top, and applied two coats of minwax special walnut stain, then two coats of polyurethane.    I love the dark finish.  I lightly sand between the two coats of stain, and even between the two coats poly.   The color is "Barely Pink",  by Behr,  satin finish.  I bought a quart, and only used about half of it.    I used a sponge or foam brush like this - 

these are so easy to paint with, the clean up is easy, but the best part is NO brush stokes.  I used a 3" foam roller for the larger areas 

I am still working on my distressing skills.   I really enjoyed working on this little desk, because I think it is so cute, and because I know who she is going to live with ;-)  She really will be living the good life again.

Here is a very "staged" picture.  Not so natural or cute...   I think Pretty in Pink will be much happier with make-up, headbands, a purse, a back pack, maybe a jacket, or one shoe tossed on the top, occasionally, a stack of folded clothes that need to be put away, and even some girly stuff hanging out of  a couple of the  drawers.  I guess now a days, we can expect a lap top and a cell phone up there too.

I think her sig-na-ture colors are blush and bashful!

October 8, 2010

I'm just saying....

this swagging goodwill goodness turned out pretty dang cute.  I must admit, lavender is my favorite color.   I think this s w a g lamp will be adorable in a little girls room or even a big girls room.

I just like saying s w a g    

You likey?
ps... to my favorite daughter, I know your saying s w a g

October 5, 2010

A few things in the hopper

I like the tufts so much that I think I could get past the green velvet

can you see this painted dreamy creamy?  

 This little girl will be living the good life again soon.  

dandyshandy - brassy to classy soon

swagging goodwill goodness

sneak peak

See ya later!

October 4, 2010

Her legs had me at hello

because there was nothing else about this table and chairs that was worth looking at, except maybe the price.  I have been wanting to get frenchy with a piece of furniture for some time.  When I saw this set, I tried to get a friend of mine to buy it, because I am just pushy that way - you know thinking my ideas are great, but she is holding out for something new and finished and well, pretty.   The 2nd other exciting piece to this story for  me was the cain back chairs.   I am sure you can imagine my dismay when I noticed that the cain back on two of the five chairs was busted.  What!  How did we over look that small problem??  This chair was the best of the two...
The story of the table and chairs was a lesson learned. Trial and Error.  No Big Deal.  This is just a way to pass the time.  We are just having fun, right?   The chair with the biggest tear was kicked to the curb, along with two leaves for the table.  The damaged chairs nearly changed all my plans.  I sanded the table top, and stained it with minwax dark walnut stain.  After  2 coats of primer, and 3 coats of antique white paint that I had left over from the dining room, and my Ralph Lauren smoke glaze that I have used about 20 times, this is what my french cream dream became.

I think she is cute and would look just right on a closed-in porch or small eating area.  I think the table would look great in a bedroom,  or living room, minus the chairs of course, and that may be where this table ends up if I don't have success with my friend Craig, and his list...

    I hope robin egg blue, and brown and cream colors stick around for a while.  

The chair padding and boards were in good shape - I recovered them with this fabric which was purchased for another project that I never got around to doing.   
So.... tell me about your table and chairs.  Do you have french dreams?
PS - to my favorite daughter - posting is a lot harder than I thought it would be!



October 1, 2010

things that I miss

Sleep.  I miss sleeping all night.   I miss being able to see without my glasses, being able to run, jump, sneeze, belly laugh without ... well you know where this is going.  I miss my kids.  I miss my grandkids.  I miss my parents.  I miss my good husband, he has been working nights for a week or more.  But, at this moment, I miss sleep more than anything else.    Does anyone else miss sleeping?