April 23, 2012

sometimes no just doesn't make sense to me

but, I've been know to do a lot of things that don't make sense to me, much less to anyone else
This soda shop table and chairs just spoke to me the moment I saw it.  $35.00.  Yes please.
I could so easily invision my three little grandgirls playing around it.  I might clean it up a bit, and maybe recover the seat bottoms, and maybe try to push it off on my DIL, but for now, it is on my back porch looking so sweet and cute .... and waiting for someone to come over and play

SouthernHospThriftyTreasures copy_thumb

Thrifty Treasures


  1. Great table set! I love the look and you got a great deal on it.

  2. Glenda,
    You gotta get that "no-reply blogger" thing fixed for email comments. Go here
    to this tutorial and it will walk you through checking and fixing your settings. Then when you leave your sweet comments on my blog I can respond via email.



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