February 15, 2012

This little chest of mine

do you have things in your home that you don't really know what do with, or even what its intended purpose is?  But because it once belonged to someone dear to your heart --- you have carried it around with you from place to place --- until one day - you finally get the nerve to make it yours. 
 I did it.  
I painted this little chest of mine.

looking at the before picture probably makes you think why did you wait?
It really didn't look this bad to me, but maybe because this was my grandmothers little chest that sat between her chair and my granddaddy's chair, I thought it was pretty special. 

I've decided that if I have a little ASCP around the house, next to nothing is too sacred for a paint job. 

I used Paris Grey and Old White 
little bit of distressing
clear wax and dark wax
these are the original porcelain knobs

I won the Owl at Bunco
I think I won the Traveling Prize

my grandmothers' name was Murty Mae
her friends and family called her Murt or Murty
me and my brothers called her Baby

I think Baby would be just fine with this little chest of mine

Linking up to Kim's WOW party
check it out - - you won't believe it - - I was featured last week!



  1. It's all the more special now that you made it yours. And 50 years from now someone else might make it theirs - just as long as it stays in the family for Gramma.


  2. I love special family pieces like this and it looks fabulous!

  3. Love the way this turned out! You should be proud! I'm a new blogger and now a new follower!

  4. Love it! Love the story, love her name was Murty, love that you called her Baby!

  5. How adorable. So perfect. I'm certain Baby would approve wholeheartedly!


  6. You did such a wonderful job of making something special beautiful again.

  7. Can't believe you didn't show me this! It looks great and I love the story that goes with it. You are gonna have to "encourage" me to do something with all the pieces I have an attachment to besides let them grow cobwebs in the garage.

  8. Your little chest is adorable. I love how you painted her, and I'm sure your grandmother would approve.


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