January 24, 2012

Just a quick tease of some Linden goodness....

After a week of suffering through Weight Watchers I came across this picture of my MIL's skillet biscuits, and almost threw in the towel. Mrs. Beeler makes the best crispy bottom biscuits I have ever eaten.  Period!   Can I get an Amen girls!  
Kris and Amanda  ...  this tease is for you.  Wish you could have been there with us last weekend.

with a scoop of her homemade strawberry jam and she made a small bowl of milk gravy too

I had the jam one the top side of my biscuit and gravy on the bottom

oh yes I did!

OMGoodness!  I am so hungry!


  1. Yummy!!!! My mouth is watering for that buttery bit of southern deliciousness with strawberry jam oozing out of it!!!!!

  2. I'm right there with ya Sally girl! Those look SO super yummy and that strawberry jam looks so sweet and tempting! Way to go Miss GMB not throwing in the towel! Talk about a temptation!

  3. LOVE IT!! I wish we had been there too! It's definitely hard to stick to WW in Linden!! (incidentally, I quit WW and went back to My Fitness Pal which is free and was way more effective for me... but you do what you need!!)

    Love and miss y'all!!

  4. And you still lost lbs... What a temptation, I think it would have been rude to the hostess if you hadn't indulged a little, heheheh


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