October 11, 2011

The View Master

remember the View Master?
I didn't know until about a year ago that Jeff still really enjoys looking through a View Master
so, when we run through an antique store he looks for these things.  I found this set at SY Wilson's and bought it for him, because of the storage case.  I've never seen a View Master storeage case before, plus, it's made out of Bakelite, and y'all know my weakness for the Bakelite. 

I took this picture before I cleaned the case.... the View Master has a bad eye, but still works really well

Jeff has given 2 or 3 of these to Amzie and Evan ... It's hard to compete with HD TV, but they did spend some time clicking through the reels.  Funny how you can find a particular item once you start looking for it.  He finds these, and I can spot a chandelier in someone's car at Kroger after dark 
(please, don't judge me, I couldn't help myself)

Here is the rest of his toy collection.... 
and so .... if you see a View Master, or any cool reels out there in your junking ventures.... remember
 Mr. Jeff and how he likes to lay up in his big ole recliner and look at stuff 3D style

Linking up to Treasure Hunt Thursday at

look at those cool mermaids!  You know this party is going to be fun!


  1. You did WHAT?!?!?! Conned a shandy off of a helpless woman at Kroger?!?! lol That is easily my most favorite shandy story of yours to date!

  2. I sooo remember those! What a great find! Please come by and share for Treasure Hunt Thursday some time!:)

  3. Great find! My mom actually left me her View Master collection. I was really happy that she gave it to me. I really love and enjoy looking through View Master until today. It’s my stress reliever, and it’s really effective when I look at our old family photos. -Francesca Slone


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