August 30, 2011

La King Confectionery

 this is La King's Confectionery in Galveston, Texas

 one of the shops on the Strand ...  the Strand reminded us of New Orleans ...   lots of shops, lots of history, in-door and out-door eating, music and lots of people 

La King has a master candy maker ....  they have old time candy like Peanut and Peco Brittle, Pecan Pralines, Hand-Dipped Chocolates, Fudge and even Salt Water Taffy ...
 these pretty barrels  of Taffy caught my eye

yummm.....  can you smell it yet?

 this adorable furniture was through out the store ...

pretty hardwood floors ...

my mother-in-law found a set like this at an auction once
she painted hers chairs pink

we were so hot... remember it was 100 degrees, with around 112 heat index
Jeff was so patient and let me go through a lot of different shops
La King also sell ice cream, so we cooled off with a couple of scoops

Remember the cute love set above?  I thought it would be cute if we had our picture made on it ..... 
thing is - we filled up the love seat ... you can't even see it anymore ...

it was a  r e a l l y  small love seat ... 

August 28, 2011

Thrifty Treasures

check it out..... Southern Hospitality was one of the first blogs I started looking at on a regular basis, especially on Mondays, because I was so intrigued by all the things that women were finding at garage sales.  I learned that we should look at these old, sometimes worn-out looking items as what they can become - not what they are in their current condition....  

kinda like the way we look at ourselves .... sometimes our current condition may not be exactly what we wish for, or even what our Heavenly Father knows we can become....  but usually after a little "tweeking" we can change and become something more, better, and even something useful again  

I hooked up with my padna in yard sale crime, Sally, at 7am on Saturday, with a news paper and a map book ...  this mid-century piece of furniture is the first thing we saw on the sidewalk just around the corner from Sally's house.  Marlena likes mid-century furniture, and this dresser was only $20.00.

At this point - - it all about the hunt  - all logic and reason is thrown to the wind ...  

it was showing signs of being 60 years old... laminate chipping off the bottom on both sides, the finished was wearing off in places on the top, the bottom middle drawer needed a little tweeking....  but the owner (holding the mirror) kept reminding me - - it's $20.00  I finally decided that if Marlena didn't want it, I could sell it on Craigslist for $80 and I just so happened to be in the pick up truck....  


and no Micaela ...  I didn't ask him to take it off of his moving truck!

this is after a little pledge, and taking a photo that compliments her short comings 

still a pretty, less than perfect piece of mid-century furniture

however,  I suppose it is not realistic to think that at this time me and Jeff can trailer my super sale items to my kids on the east or the west coast  .....  DAD BLURN IT!  Having a job really stinks sometime!  Plus, I think Marlena is looking for a matching set  -chest and dresser -  so I emailed a picture of it to my sister-in-law, who is only 20 minutes away, asking if she wanted it?  
Her response..... OMG!  I want it!!  Please don't paint it!  She picked it up today.... 
seeing her take this home was almost as much fun as the hunt ....  get it? 

... I also bought this thing ......  I guess I will name her "the beast"....  I have big plans for me and her
this beast is not nearly as exciting as the mid-century... but I am hoping we will become close friends

  a little DandyShandy for $4.00

cool shirt that Jeff will like wearing for $2.00

And this Pottery Barn pillow and feather down pillow insert - its like new - 3 bucks.
the Pottery Barn Outlet gets $12.99 for the insert, and $19.00 for the pillow cover

But this was the real haul of the will have to hop over here to Sally's blog to read how we got it for $99.00 .....  The story is funny... the furniture is beautiful!

Thanks Sally....  I had a great time!


August 25, 2011

They moved to Virginia

I am always looking for a good excuse to visit my children, especially the littles.....

actually, it doesn't even have to be a good excuse....

last Tuesday I went to Virginia to help Marlena move into their house, because J.Paul was on about a 2 and half week "underway" or as Amzie called it, an "under wave"and could not be there when their household goods were scheduled to arrive ...

about 8:30 Wednesday morning,  this big truck and another truck, with 5 movers, 2 of which were useless and we don't have the best of feelings towards, showed up to unloaded their things

this is Delvin.  we like Delvin.  Evan thought his name was Ben and followed him around most of the day....    I suppose it is true, kids are like dogs...  they usually know when someone is okay

Bam Bam Beeler....  she got out there in her pink PJ's and told those men where to put her things

Mar was in position - ready to get this going after nearly a month living in a hotel, or someone else's house, and eventually in this house without J.Paul, with little more than a package of diapers and this table and a couple of camping chairs...  I think she can probably handle anything now.

everything in the truck is numbered and correlates with sheets like this
it took 4 or 5 hours for them to off load the truck and have it matched up to these sheets

Evan hanging with "Ben" a.k.a. Delvin
he aspired to be a mini-mover that day.... 

then we were faced with this.... in every room... all. over. the. house.

At times it felt like we were two damsels in distress ....  but, we worked hard everyday and made a lot of progress setting up their new nest ... the little kids were so excited and helpful ...  they live in a cove with what appears to be wonderful neighbors 

Evan had a snow storm with the packing paper for a couple of days ...

sometimes, any idea is a good idea .... he worked so hard on his snow storm...

 not sure what the neighbors thought, nor did we care ...

they have a fish pond ... it had one gold fish that Evan named, Evan ...

  a few days later Mrs Pat, the Landlady brought each kid a fish ...

they named their new fish,  Jo, Pat Camryn, Evan 1 and Evan 2

we found time to play "pretend", eat ice cream, take walks around the neighborhood and one night we played Monopoly

until Evan got mad because we told him he couldn't cheat..

so he worked a puzzle by himself

until Marlena made us two big bowls of her ranch style famous popcorn -- yum yum

we antiqued one afternoon and Mar scored two retro pieces of furniture .... 

 we thrifted one morning and had success that day too...

the night before I left, we went to the beach.... a 10 minute trip from their new home

the plan was to only walk on the beach... 
no one was to get in the water....  
we didn't even take a beach towel ...

Evan is not really in the water.....

he said, "I am just sitting down"

Norfolk is not Chicago, but I think they will have a great experience here

Mar, thanks for letting me come and help you

I loved being there.

 ps...  I felt the earthquake in the airport ....  it was exciting

August 24, 2011

Virginia is for lovers

and I am in l.o.v.e. with these three faces

more on this trip later....

August 16, 2011

Chalk Paint

I finally caved and bought some of Annie Sloan's chalk paint ...  

I have not been disappointed 

this color is "Versailles"

care for a glass of cran-grape juice?

I found this tea cart on Craigslist.  Actually, I was going after a chandelier.  When I got to the seller's address, I realized I was at a nursing home.  When the maintenance man took me to the apartment used for storage,  I spotted this tea cart.   They wanted $40.... I offered $20, but didn't have cash for the chandelier and the tea cart ....  I asked if I could write a check?  the lady in charge said I could have the tea cart for $25.00 since I was writing a check.  I sure didn't need it, but it sure is cute.  As I was shoving it into the back seat of my car, I knew this piece was a good reason to invest in some chalk paint.   

you like?

I also used clear and dark wax on it 

it is parked on the back porch

I need to finish weaving the little red stool next

I think it looks so much better

should I paint the rocking chair to match?

If you have something to paint - this stuff is great

One coat, no sanding, no priming

Totally worth it!

I am linking up to Kim's WOW us Wednesdays party over at Savvy Southern Style

 And Miss Mustard Seed's Furniture Friday Party

And I am linking up to Debbiedoo's Newbie party over here


August 14, 2011

The Kentucky Derby

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I am joining the Thrifty Treasures party over at Southern Hospitality and show off the play horses I picked up for $10.00 an an estate sale this weekend .... Amzie has mentioned a few times that she would like a horse...  every time I hear her say it, I encourage her to tell her daddy.... he gives me "tha-look" when I do when I saw this heard of horses, I thought I should get all of them.... just in case Evan and Camryn need to talk to their daddy about a horse...they could practice on a horse smaller than them at first ...I think this is a great idea....

this one came with a few hair ornaments

 get a good look and place your bet  ... 
the little one is hurt and needs to see a vet

this one looks real to me....
I've been home alone too long.... I played with these horses for a few minutes

It was a fun day and I am happy about my $10.00 worth of play horses
Happy Thrifting!

I am linking up here too
and Savvy Southern Style - WOW us Wednesday party

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